Samuel Beckett




Blyde, Ray My Life in Print
Blyth, Stephen Rebel Without a Pause : Ogden Nash
Burnett, Jay Things Are Not as They Seem
Burns, Jim Clifford Odets: The Sweet Smell of Success
Burns, Jim Maxwell Bodenheim
Burns, Jim The Noble Savage
Burns, Jim Henry Murger and Bohemia
Burns, Jim Anatole Broyard
Burns, Jim Irving Howe and the Legacy of Dissent
Burns, Jim Alfred Kazin : A Writing Life
Burns, Jim What is Remembered
Burns, Jim Ben Maddow
Burns, Jim Isaac Rosenfeld
Burns, Jim Walter Lowenfels
Burns, Jim Henry Roth
Burns, Jim Robert McAlmon's Poetry
Burns, Jim James T. Farrell
Burns, Jim Rebel Voices (The I.W.W.)
Burns, Jim Left in Los Angeles
Burns, Jim Write As Short As You Can
Cooney, Anthony In Defence of Dylan Thomas
Cooney, Anthony G.K. Chesterton: A Bridge to Modernism?
Daniel, John Grown Up War
Dent, Alan A Cumbrian Genius (John Murray)
Dent, Alan One Day in Whitehaven
Dent, Alan Michel Houellebecq: The Suicide of the West
Dent, Alan Clifford Odets and the American Theatre
Dunton, John In Praise of Booksellers (and others)
Dunton, John What Will You Read Tomorrow?
Dunton, John David Markson
Espada, Martin Walking
James, Anthony Life As a Knight's Quest: The World of Don Quixote
Jobe Smith, Joan Long Beach Poetry
Lawrence, D.H. Autobiographical Sketch
Lawrence, D.H. Intro to Memoires of Foreign Legion by Maurice Magnus
Lucas, John Walter Brierley and Leslie Williamson
Lucas, John Meetings With Greek Poets
Lykiard, Alexis Mac Orlan
Lykiard, Alexis Hunger and Some Thirst
Lykiard, Alexis Taking the Poetry Road
Lykiard, Alexis Vanishing Hero Vanished Peace (Sillitoe)
Lykiard, Alexis Wine Women and Work (Bukowski)
Lykiard, Alexis The Bright Wonderful Surface (Chandler Brossard)
Lykiard, Alexis Sixties Time
Manson, John Anna Seghers in English
Prevert, Jacques Family Mementoes or the Slavedriving Angel
Pridmore, Joseph James Hanley's The German Prisoner
Pridmore, Joseph George Garrett and the USA
Pridmore, Joseph James Hanley's Boy
Slater, Howard Drifting with James Hanley
Smith, Jules Fred Voss Interviewed
Williams, John Hartley Kick Me
Williamson, Leslie Eastwood and W.E. Hopkin (Willie)
Worpole, Ken The Poetry of Tomas Transtromer


Burns, Jim Bebop Spoken Here
Burns, Jim The Popular James Moody
Clay, Ken Goodbye Denmark Road
Dunton, John The Names of the Forgotten
Dunton, John Yes, But Is It Art?
Dunton, John West Coast Sounds
Dunton, John Bebop and Bands
Dunton, John The Swinging Detective (Bill Moody)
Jarrett, Nigel Lending an Ear
Lucas, John Jazz On the March


Burns, Jim Words for Painters
Greenberg, Clement Irrelevance Versus Irresponsibility
Harris, Peter Surrealism, Trotsky and Me
Merleau-Ponty, Maurice Cezanne
Murray, Ruth Paintings
Park, William Japanese Horror Films


Ortega y Gassett The Increasing Menace of Society
Vinit, Paul Freud and the Myth of Instinct
Vinit, Paul Turgot and the Contradiction of Progress
Vinit, Paul Herbert Spencer: The Illusion of Perfectibility
Vinit, Paul Condorcet: The Infinity of Progress
Vinit, Paul Saint-Simon: The Orderly Society
Alan Dent It's Only Human Nature
Alan Dent Marx's Incoherence


Baron, Alexander From the City from the Plough: Chapter VIII
Billany, Dan The Trap: Chapters 39 & 40
Burns, Jim The Jacket
Callow, Philip The Silence of the Stars
Callow, Philip A Bike for Christmas
Champion, Ken Stories
Clark, Sara 'Member Me
Clay, Ken Selections From Voices 1972 - 1984
Clay, Ken Stories
Craig, David Last Suppers
Crick. Alex Soixante Huit - Soixante Neuf
Darlington, Andrew Derek Edge Declares Peace
Debney, Jack Out Goes the Bonny One
Demkin, Andrew The Old Man and the Cat
Dent, Alan Sex, Love and Property
Dent, Alan Last Bus to Harewood Road
Dent, Alan A Small Taste of |Freedom
Edge, Andy Room on Top
Garrett, George Flowers and Candles
Griffiths, Bill The Psychic Fifth
Goodbody, Felix Dead and Buried
Hanley, James Oddfish
Howkins, Elizabeth Bon Appetite
Huggett, Colin The Age of Longing
Jarrett, Nigel Five Go to Switzerland.
Jarrett, Nigel Nights at the Misty Morning
Jaruzelski, Stefan The Jaruzelski Letters
Jaruzelski, Stefan The Condition of the Working Class in France
Jaruzelski, Stefan Londynczyzy
Jaruzelski, Stefan Biggles Pulls It Off
Jaruzelski, Stefan Miracle in Montauban
Jaruzelski, Stefan Letters
Jennings, P.S. The Nightwalker
Jope, Norman An Accessible Venus
Kadison, S Complete Short Stories
Karatzaferi, Ellen A Loaf of Bread
Karp-Gendre, J August the Fifteenth
Kelly, Tom Stories
Kilcourse, Tom The Professional Musician & Rebuilding a Minor
Lee-Hart, Andrew Touch    Asylum   Snow and Ice
Lightfoot, Frederick Family Portrait
McKenna, Tony The Strange Case of the Dog on the Underground
Serge, Victor White Sea
Serge, Victor The Leningrad Hospital
Serge, Victor Earthquake
Serge, Victor St Barnabas Impasse
Swift Isaac Unnecessary Person
Teshartok, Zohar Four Stories
Tikari, Jeff Compelling Persuasions
Urso, Joe Two Stories
Vaughan, Dai Ghost & Trap Door
Wade, Stephen From the Diaries and Notebooks of Preston Pimley
Wild, Boris Laughing at the Blackshirts
Wood, Tom The Sexiness of Woodwork
Wood, Tom Getting It Measured
Wood, Tom Fancy a Bit More?
Wood, Tom Buttocks and Erections


Barras, Jim The Inexorable Rise of Absolutely Bugger All
Burns, Jim The Strange Case of Martha Dodd
Burns, Jim William Herrick and the Spanish Civil War
Dent, Alan The Betrayal of Democracy
Dent, Alan Mass Culture
Dent, Alan Dr Prosser's Remedy
Dent Alan Gaza
Einstein, Albert Why Socialism?
Lawson, Richard Chirac in a Hole Lot of Trouble
Lucas, John The Radical Sixties?
McKinnon, Edward Katlenburg and the Pulp Fiction of German Reuinification
Senior, Robert The Irresponsibility of Optimism
Stokes, David Walking the Falls
White, John The British Way of Life


Horsefield, Ron Memoires of a Tourist
Tipton, David A Geographic Surrealism (Peru)
Tipton, David Hospital