By Michael Alpert
Pen & Sword Books. 288 pages. £25. ISBN 978-1-52676-436-2
Reviewed by Jim Burns
I’ve noted before that the Spanish Civil War has attracted attention
from numerous writers. Most, whether writing fact or fiction, have
focused on the war on land, and, to varying degrees, in the air.
Little has been written about what happened at sea, though the
physical location of Spain, and the supposed embargo on other
countries supplying war materials, meant that shipping had an
important part to play in keeping both sides provided with the
essentials required to enable them to carry on functioning.
Non-intervention was something of a farce in that Germany and Italy
regularly supplied men and weapons to the Insurgents (I’m using
Michael Alpert’s term for Franco’s forces) while Russia did the same
for the Republicans.
When Franco and his supporters launched their insurrection in July,
1936, the Republic’s navy was in what might be called a run-down
condition. There had been an attempt to build up the fleet after it
suffered heavy losses in the Spanish-American War of 1898, but
little had been achieved in forming a truly modern naval force. By
1936 many of the ships were outdated in terms of their equipment. In
theory the Government had a battleship, three cruisers, thirteen
destroyers, twelve submarines, and a variety of smaller vessels,
including torpedo boats, a gunboat and coastguard cutters, at its
disposal. In practice it would soon become obvious that not all of
the officers and crews of these ships could be relied on to support
the Republic.
The situation in the Spanish Navy appears to have been that a sharp
class distinction existed between the officers and the rest. Alpert
puts it this way: “As for the men, the Spanish navy was not a happy
service. There was mutual antipathy and suspicion between officers
of the General Corps or
Cuerpo General, who commanded the ships, and the specialist
branches of engineers and gunnery, both among officers and the
various branches and ranks of petty officers”. No matter how skilled
or experienced they were, petty officers could never become
On the other hand, Alpert suggests that “Significant communist or
revolutionary cells do not seem to have been present in the
navy……Nor was there a history of indiscipline in the navy even
during the social and industrial agitation in Spain in the months
since the electoral victory of the Popular Front in February 1936”.
But sailors’ committees were formed “and their purpose was to
observe the officers and to nip a possible officers’ uprising in the
bud”. It would soon become obvious that, when they could, the great
majority of officers would ally themselves with Franco and, given
the opportunity, place their ships in insurgent hands. It was
largely due to one man, a warrant officer and telegrapher named
Benjamin Balboa, based in the navy’s communications centre, that
some plots by officers were foiled. He kept In touch with radio
operators on ships at sea and alerted them to attempts by officers
to put in at ports controlled by the insurgents.
Mutinies among the crews spread on most of the ships that did stay
loyal to the Republic. It was probably a sign of the existing
antagonism that 350 officers were killed, usually by being thrown
overboard. We know from other accounts that the Spanish Civil War
was often a particularly brutal episode, with old enmities and class
resentments coming to the fore. Anarchist sympathies were strong in
Spain, and a hatred of all forms of authority, whether in the shape
of religion or class, led to many outrages. It needs to be said that
the Insurgents, for their part, could be just as savage when
repressing any kind of radical activity.
The majority of ships remained under Republican command, but there
were major problems facing them. Some of the more suitable ports had
been occupied by the Insurgents, so questions of re-fuelling and
similar matters were important. Republican ships were denied fuel in
Tangiers, then under international control, ostensibly because the
Control Commission feared that Franco might send aircraft to bomb
the ships. But the port was full of French, Portuguese, Italian, and
British warships, and their commanders were fearful of the effects
of having mutinous sailors alongside their own crews. Alpert refers
to a report that the Republican fleet “was under the direction of a
Soviet led by a warrant officer”. The absence of officers on the
ships disturbed observers from other countries. Alpert also says
that Shell refused to provide fuel for the Spanish ships because
they were controlled by mutineers. And Shell’s interests would
probably have been more aligned towards the Insurgents than to a
radical Republican government.
The position regarding officers who appeared to have remained loyal
to the Republic was never very clear. The submarines were especially
affected by doubts about their effectiveness because of a seeming
lack of enthusiasm on the part of their commanders to carry out
orders. And it was a fact that the removal of so many officers due
to either desertion to the Insurgents or death at the hands of
mutinous sailors, caused major Republican concerns. With men being
promoted to the rank of officer at short notice, and with little
practical experience in the overall running of a ship, not to
mention the sailors’ committees questioning and sometimes
countermanding orders, putting to sea could be a risky enterprise.
The Insurgents did take over some ships, including a battleship,
four cruisers, a destroyer, three minelayers, and some smaller
vessels. They also established a number of armed trawlers to stop
merchant ships heading for Republican ports. And they had the
advantage of experienced officers and disciplined crews, though they
sometimes had to train men quickly to take over from sailors who
refused to fight for Franco. It’s also significant to note that the
presence of Italian and German ships played a major part in the
operations of the Insurgent navy. They had reasons for being there,
not just because Mussolini and Hitler wanted to support a
fellow-dictator, which is what Franco would become with their
assistance, but for strategic purposes. The Italians, for example,
were keen to present a challenge to the dominance of the Royal Navy
in the Mediterranean.
I mentioned earlier that moving goods into Spain, whether of a
military or non-military nature, had to be done largely by sea. The
land access through France was closed most of the time due to the
Non-Intervention policy of the French Government. Some supplies
could be landed in Portugal, whose dictator, Salazar, was
sympathetic to the Insurgents and would then allow them to be moved
into Spain. But this was not an option available to the Republicans.
Most of what they needed had to arrive by sea, and was transported
by merchant ships, many of which were British, or at least
registered as such to enable them to fly the British flag and be
protected by the Royal Navy in certain circumstances. This didn’t
stop them being torpedoed by Italian submarines or bombed by
Insurgent aircraft frequently manned by German or Italian pilots. It
isn’t necessary for me to give a ship-by-ship account of all the
attacks and incidents involving merchant ships – sometimes they were
stopped so their cargoes could be examined to see if they were
carrying war materials – but Alpert provides an informative
selection of relevant stories.
It’s often alleged that the role of the Communist Party, and
particularly of Russians present in Spain, was a determining factor
in the decisions made by countries like Britain and France in
relation to the Republic. It might seem obvious now that Hitler and
Mussolini were using Spain as a form of testing ground, not only for
their armed forces, but also to determine how other nations would
react. And to hopefully have Spain on their side when a showdown
with the British and French came. As it happened, Franco kept Spain
out of the Second World War. But at the time the possibility of a
Republican victory leading to a communist Spain seemed the greater
danger to politicians and business leaders in Britain and France.
Their turning a blind eye to Germany and Italy openly intervening
can be explained in this way. Russia, of course, was also
intervening by providing arms and ammunition, together with some
“advisers”, to the Republic, but that was condemned.
With regard to the Russians who arrived in Spain, it’s useful to
note the comments of Nikolair Kuznetsov on the lack of qualified
officers in Republican ships. He had a low opinion of their
“insufficient and out-of-date training” and the navy generally was
“not even minimally ready for a naval war”. What appeared to have
caused him much consternation, however, were the on-board sailors’
committees: “For Kuznetsov, the lack of organisation, leadership,
and firm direction, added to anarchistic indiscipline, rendered
ineffective the efforts of petty officers and officers”. The
inefficiency among the crews was also found in the dockyards where
ships being repaired could be held up for months. Some blame for
this was attributed to sabotage, and management sympathy for the
There were no major confrontations between the two fleets. Alpert
sums up the situation at one point: “Thus, by spring 1937, the tone
of the naval war off the Spanish coast had been established. The
Insurgents would strive even more to prevent merchant ships bringing
arms to Republican Spain, and the Republicans would continue to
escort vessels on their way to Republican ports. Neither fleet would
show much enthusiasm for an encounter which might endanger their
navies ‘in being’".
This didn’t mean that individual ships weren’t sunk or badly
damaged. The Insurgent battleship,
Espana, struck a mine
(seemingly one laid by the Insurgents themselves in a blockade
operation off Santander) and sank. Luckily, most of the crew
survived. But when the Insurgent cruiser,
Baleares, was torpedoed
by Republican destroyers, 790 of her crew died. And an Insurgent
transport ship, the Castillo
de Olite, hit by shore batteries near Cartagena, went down with
1,477 men. In the
Republican fleet, the battleship,
Jaime Primero, which was
in dock for repairs following an air attack, was lost when an
explosion in a powder magazine killed 179 men and rendered it unfit
for further service. There was also the loss of the destroyer,
José Luis Diez, and
several submarines, some of which may have been deliberately
scuttled by their officers who were secretly pro-Franco and
reluctant to follow Republican orders.
When the end came the Republican fleet left Cartagena and sailed to
Algiers where it was ordered to proceed to Bizerta. The ships were
eventually handed over to the Insurgents when France recognised the
Franco government. Some of the sailors went into exile, others opted
to return to Spain.
Franco wasn’t content to have won, he needed to exact revenge, and
Alpert reports that “192 officers appeared before courts-martial, of
whom 80 were acquitted and 112 found guilty. Ten death sentences
were imposed, of which two were commuted”. Some other officers were
sentenced to life imprisonment. And he adds, “As for other ranks,
153 death sentences were handed down of which 115 were carried out”.